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Archive - Quarter 1 - 2002
03/29/2002 Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Single Player Review
Our second installment in a series of articles on RtCW. Here we cover Single Player Mode. We laughed, we cried, they died, they died again after undying.
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03/28/2002 Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.31 Patch
Only 10 day later and it looks like the Update has a patch. Looks like they have a light upgrade version if you were on the ball and had 1.30 already loaded. Apparently it was only one issue but is major. (excerpt from readme below)

Teleportation and Reviving Players Bugs Fixed

Bugs introduced in 1.30 related to reviving players and teleportation, or warping, on certain maps have been fixed. These issues were a byproduct of a fix for reviving players on and around script movers (the giant doors in mp_assault for example).


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1.31 Patch

03/18/2002 Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.3 Update
Not only does it fix stuff it adds in some new features. Gotta love that. Additions include: Auto-update button that appears in Multiplayer mode that downloads new updates for you, PunkBuster the "automatically self-updating Anti-Cheat software system", Ice - multiplayer map, MOD button which allows you to easily switch between MODs. There are many fixes as well. One of my favorites is "Allow Download of Multiplayer Map Assets". You can download user created maps and resources from the server that is running them instead of trying to find it on the web after not being able to get on a server. To read more about the new features and fixes, go here.
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1.3 Update

03/17/2002 Clan 'Mech Voting Official
The official results of the 'Mech voting for the Clan 'Mech Pak have finally been released. The Masakari wins by a nose (less than 1%) over the Kodiak. One of the most popular write-in 'Mechs, the Cauldron Born, has already been confirmed as being included. 

03/08/2002 Clan 'Mech Poll Falls Victim to Vote Spamming
Polls are closed on the Clan 'Mech polls for the Clan version 'Mech Pak. It will be release soon after the Spring 2002 release of the Innersphere 'Mech Pak. Apparently folks attempted to tilt the vote by cheating. The statement below was release (instead of the results) on the Black Knight web site. Hopefully this will be sorted out accurately and the fans' votes will be properly represented.

"The poll is now closed, thanks for participating. At the moment, we are examining the data logs because of some rather obvious vote spamming efforts. We are taking measures to keep those votes out of the equation in order to ensure that the final results are as accurate as possible.

Please be patient, we should be able to post the final results in the next couple of days."

03/02/2002 'Mech Spec(ulation)
Gamespy has posted screenshots from the upcoming "Inner Sphere 'Mech Pak" that include shots of the new arena map as well as one of the new 'mechs. Our guess as to the identity of that new 'mech chassis? A Grand Dragon. That's a 60 ton House Kurita signature 'mech (you think it's something else? Email those guesses).

If that is a Grand Dragon, it should be a decent addition. While it would be nice to see the Inner Sphere finally land a 70-ton 'mech, the 60 ton category is the next best choice for a heavy I.S. 'mech. The current occupant of that weight class, the Argus, is arguably the weakest pound-for-pound design in the game (again, this is Inner Sphere only - we all know the Clan Vulture is a strong 'mech).

03/01/2002 Vote For Your Favorite Clan 'Mech and See it in the Next expansion "Pak" for Mech4.
It is time to vote for the Clan 'mechs you want to see in the Clan version of the up coming "Expansion Paks" for for MechWarrior 4.  45 ton Grendal, 60 ton Black Hawk, 50 ton Hellhound, 85 ton Masakari and the 100 ton Kodiak (coodos to Mister G for suggesting to us the other day that they need a chassis with personality like the bear-like Kodiak if a 100 tonner happens to win out) We would also like to tilt the vote in saying, there are NO other 85 ton mechs in the game. It would be nice to see one in an expansion. <cough cough, Masakari, cough cough>
Voting ends March 8 so vote soon. Don't forget you can write in a vote after choosing a and submitting your vote for one of the five selection.
If you are interested in information about the Inner Sphere vote see our news posts about the start of voting and the outcome listed below.
NOTE: although it is early in the vote process (March 1st) Masakari is leading with 55% of the current votes.


02/27/2002 Return to Castle Wolfenstein Arms overview.
Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing Psyclone Jack. He will be focusing on RtCW content. Please take a moment to read his first installment, reviewing RtCW weaponry.
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Venom -
"Simulates running the same way an 800 lb gorilla on your back would."


02/19/2002 Zeus by a nose
The Inner Sphere 'mech votes have been tallied and the Zeus has come out a winner . . . just barely. Expect to see this chassis in the next Mechwarrior 4 expansion. The Black Knight site states that the Zeus won by less than 200 votes. That was pretty close. It reminds me of a recent presidential election. I'm sure Florida will have something to say about Zeus winning. I hope the Zeus works out much better than the current I.S. 80  ton Awesome. TJ 'Paingod' Wagner  acknowledged some common write in votes including the Avatar (70 ton), Devastator (100 ton), and UrbanMech (30 ton).
1. Zeus (36%)
2. Highlander (35%)
3. Templar (16%)
4. Flea (11%)
5. Owens (3%)

02/15/2002 Daily Bump
The Warcraft III beta is rolling on, and Gamespot is posting their take. Also, Bridge Commander has gone gold and is downloadable in demo form right here right now. Finally, IGN has posted an article giving their impressions of a partially complete build of the highly anticipated Dungeon Siege.

02/14/2002  City of Heroes - and yet more screen shots
Apparently City of Heroes is taking part in the official launch of the GeForce4 by showing screen shots taken using the GeForce4 technology. There are no 1980's DC Comics hero look-a-likes on this set like last time.

02/11/2002  Neverwinter Nights On Track
Infogrames made the official announcement last week that they will be the new publisher for this eagerly anticipated RPG, replacing Interplay. For an up-to-date interview on the game's progress, check out this one or even this one.

02/08/2002 I.S. 'Mech Vote Progress
Inner Sphere chassis voting for the next MechWarrior 4 expansion is still on. As of yesterday (02/07) it was a neck and neck race between the 90 ton Highlander and the 80 ton Zeus. Since they are Assault 'mechs I'm sure it's a very slow foot race. Don't forget that when you vote for your favorite Inner Sphere 'mech you can write in a choice. See our 01/25/2002 post for more Mech 4 expansion details.

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02/04/2002 Time to get Serious
Just a brief reminder that Serious Sam: The Second Encounter will be shipping out this week (should begin appearing on store shelves Tuesday or Wednesday).

02/01/2002 City Of Heroes Summary
This is a run down of everything publicly known to date about City Of Heroes. Credit to GameSpy.com for pointing out this ign.com article.

01/25/2002 More Mech 4 Expansion!
Two new 'Mech Paks are coming in 2002 for Mechwarrior 4. One will be an Inner Sphere and the other, Clan. Details have been released on the Inner Sphere Pack scheduled for release in the Spring. It will included a Coliseum Multiplayer map, Heavy Gause Riffle (more hurt, more tonnage, less range),  IFF Jammer ("spread confusion in enemy ranks") and 4 NEW INNER SPHERE 'MECHS! The Clan Mech Pak will follow soon after but there are no details as of yet. GameSpy has the exclusive press release. What more can you ask for? I'll tell you what. You can submit your opinion as to what mech you would like to see in these Paks. A survey to pick your favorite Inner Sphere 'mech is already up. Go and vote! If a 'mech you would like to see is not on the list, they allow you to write in a vote after submitting a vote for one listed. Write in some 85 and  95 tonners. Let's push a little variety.

Addendum: The five mechs listed are the Flea, Owens, Templar, Highlander, and Zeus. Two are light mechs; the Flea weighs in at 20 tons, while the Owens is a 35 ton omni-mech. The Templar, if it's what I think it is, weighs 65 tons and came from a fanzine called Battletechnology, not an official Fasa publication. The last two are assault mechs: the Highlander weighs in at 90 tons, the Zeus at 80. Both of those mechs recently appeared in MechCommander 2.

Not to influence anyone's vote, but  some good 85-ton chassis are the Black Watch, the Gunslinger, and the Katana, while some 95-tonners are the Albatross, the Banshee, the Cerberus.

01/23/2002 How Expansive Can the Neverwinter Nights world become?
There has been talk of dungeons spanning multiple servers to provide an expansive environment. A couple of questions from this interview from www.db-forge.com with David Gaider of Bioware, just scratch the surface but give insight on how big the NWN world can become. This new bit was brought to us by the Neverwinter Nights news section.


01/16/2002 Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.1 patch
It looks as if the patch resolves mostly multiplayer server issues on the retail version of the game.
-No more Zombie Clients filling spaces and less crashes on servers left running for more than 24 hours (this may keep more servers available)
-Lieutenants can't throw grenades while in binoculars anymore
-It is no longer possible to launch single player maps in multiplayer games. Single player maps were too unstable for multiplayer.
-New link added to start menu, making it easy to check for updates
-Fix for Voice-Chat Abuse. No more repeated yelping for ammo


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01/11/2002 New City of Heroes Screen Shots
Looks like the folks at Cryptic Studios put up a new set of 5 screen shots for City of Heroes. It did my heart good to see the pic that has a look-a-like of my favorite 1980's comic book hero, Ambush Bug.  I placed a shot of Ambush Bug in next to him so you can compare. Just as a side note, the older Ambush Bug costume had more yellow transistor wires which ran through the clothing. Back then he was a bad guy.
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01/10/2002 Warcraft III Beta Signups Still Open...
...but time's running out. Registration for the internet test of the highly anticipated game from Blizzard are open until tomorrow (1/11) evening at 11:00 PM PST.

01/05/2002 City of Heroes Preview
IGN has put up a nice, informative preview of what might just be the best super hero PC game in a long, long time (ever?). It's worth a look, as are the accompanying pics.

01/03/2002 Magic: the Gathering Online Preview
The Adrenaline Vault has posted a preview of the upcoming online version of the popular collectible card game. It's written from the perspective of one new to M:tG, but aims to address the appeal of the game to players both new and old.

01/02/2002 Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight Multiplayer DEMO
What looks like an attempt to stir more interest in the Mechwarrior 4 expansion pack, a Multiplayer demo for Black Knight has been posted at FilePlanet. It includes the map Volcanic Base (owie owie hot hot) for Ultimate Attrition, Team Ultimate Attrition (death match that favors smaller mechs beating on bigger mechs) and Space Port for Siege Assault (read our Charging the Base Article for details on Siege Assault). MechLab custom building is available with the Atlas (100 tons goood), Bushwacker, and Mad Cat MkII plus the Ryoken and Sunder from the BK release (no 35 or less ton mech like the Cougar in the original MW4 beta. Discrimination against the little people I see.). There is a limited choice of weapons but the selection isn't bad. This demo will not interact with full version servers and since this is a new download, there aren't that many demo servers running right now. It is possible to start an Attrition or Team Attrition match and throw a bunch of computer player bots in to whoop up on or take as teammates. Siege Assault does not support bots.

01/01/2002 Happy New Year!!!

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Pic Pick 'o the Day!

Mechwarrior 4 EVEN Teams Play
Make sure you have the Point Update loaded for your Vengeance (v3.0) or Black Knight (v1.0) and all the official Mech4
Multiplayer Maps downloaded (Download Gagetown and Coliseum at this link). Email jazonz@happygamers.com for more details and server name. We will have volunteers ready to switch teams to keep it balanced and if there are enough early reservations the server will be private.
Join the mailing list through the email submit near the top center of most pages for notifications of events. Sign up today!

NEXT GAME DATE AND TIME: to be announced