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Happy Gamers' Arms Overview Part 2



by Psyclone Jack

Well here it is.  This is the second installment of the RtCW arms overview covering single player mode.   Hopefully it makes for some enjoyable reading, not meant to be taken too seriously. 

Weapons Pros Cons Comments
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What Pros!? You might as well be flinging spitballs at ‘em! Seriously though, at least you can’t run out of ammo with a knife. Have to be close to use it and you’ll probably wind up dead before you get anywhere near an enemy. I’ll use the force and deflect their bullets with my lightsa—uh, knife!
Luger/.45 Colt
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These are O.K. and usually very low on the list for choice weapons. However wastage of ammo is usually very low with a pistol. A pistol can take down a human enemy good enough but zombies will eat you for lunch if this is all you have left when you meet them. I was weavin’ Jack! And you’ll need to as well in order to kill an enemy with one of these.
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Great rifle for sniping and my personal favorite! Packs a good punch and can shoot the eye out of a flea at 500 yards. Very slow rate of fire so it’s not user friendly in close quarters combat with multiple enemies. This would have been an excellent rifle if it were silenced, but I guess that wouldn’t have been fair to the enemies.
Snooper Rifle
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Good rifle for sniping You know the night vision was a neat idea in the game but often the target gets lost in the “noise”. Seems like there is never enough ammo to enjoy silenced sniping for any length of time. Makes the same noise as Spidey’s web shooters. “Twip”. Well you didn’t think those web shooters sounded like a Thompson did ya?
Paratrooper Rifle
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What is there to say? It’s a rifle. It has a scope. It’s an automatic and it’s awesome. A weapon that gets used a lot in the last third of the game. Sometimes ammo is scarce. But other than that, there isn’t anything bad to say about it.  
MP 40
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Good rate a fire while causing a decent amount of damage. Keep those bursts short and controlled or else you’ll find youself without ammo. Plus, make sure to take cover when reloading. Ratta-tat-tat. One of the weapons most used in the game.
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Good rate a fire like the MP 40 but with more of a punch! Plus it has a cool distinctive sound! Thok-thok-thok-thok! Just seems like you almost never have enough ammo for this gun. Shame, it’s a really good weapon.  
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Another gun with a cool sound. Helps to keep your wastage of ammo to a minimum just like in multiplayer mode. Overheats just like in multiplayer mode, too. Uses the same ammo as the MP 40 and used extensively in stealth missions for close encounters.
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With that 800lb gorilla back in the zoo, it’s much easier to run with this weapon.  If you couldn’t run with it then you’d be easy pickings for some of the bosses. Has an extremely fast rate of fire. It takes longer to overheat than in multiplayer mode. Good for shooting a massive number of enemies at one time. It still takes an eternity to spin up to speed. Get it spinning before stepping out from a wall to vanquish your foes. This is the be all end all for bad ass looking handheld weaponry.
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They are useful against Shield Zombies and in situations when you need to flush an enemy out of a hard to get at spot. Careful, enemies have been known to occasionally kick them back! Falling on top of one of these is not exactly a good strategy for beating the game. Unless, you’re trying to improve your ability to get blowed up real good like.
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Improved for single player mode. This thing has a higher rate of fire, and  is good for destroying bunched together groups of Nazis and seems to weigh a lot less than it does in multiplayer mode. Must be some sort of aluminum carbonic alloy. DO NOT use in close quarters. It’s easy to meet your demise from your own splash damage. Works well against bosses and some of the X creatures.
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Decent enough This “gun” has the ability to target more than one enemy. Plus, you can just point it in the general direction of those you detest and it almost auto targets them. It’s hard to tell what kind of damage it does to the bosses. I can’t decide if it looks cool or goofy.
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Still the best looking fire in the business. As in multiplayer mode, the flamethrower is an excellent weapon for clearing out rooms.  Strangely enough as with the Panzerfaust the Flamethrower seems to have lost some weight. It’s easy to run out of fuel if you aren’t careful.  

If you missed RtCW Arms Overview Part 1 go back and check it now! Also check out the RtCW Single Player game review.