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10/07/01 Third Party Multiplayer Maps - Ash
9/7/01 Four New Mech4 Maps (w/link to Microsoft downloads)

10/07 Third Party Multiplayer Maps - Ash
Multiplayer Maps from Ash's Office

With Microsoft's Mech 4 Mission Editor up for download we will see more original multiplayer maps. Here are some new maps that are out early that caught our attention. Some repair bays although close to certain teams are far enough away to drag players away from spawn points.

Treachery - All Attr & Destr plus, KOTH, TKOTH
The newest and according to Ash's site the last that will be develop. Cool, large rolling hills with a couple of repair bays.
BattleLine - All Attr & Destr plus CTF
High black peaks, burning buildings and vehicles, double repair bay near Team 3 but lots of pits that are hard to get out of without jump jets
BearTrap - All Attr & Destr
Huge Valleys. There is good potential for sniping from on high but jump jets would be a must to get positioned quickly. Stay together.
ClanTrials - All Attr & Destr plus CTF
Nifty death arena with logo. Repair bays near Team 3.
ClawedWorld - All Attr & Destr plus CTF, KOTH, TKOTH
Repair bay near Team 1. Decently cool with lots of water.
FalconNest- All Attr & Destr plus CTF, KOTH, TKOTH
Another fun arena setting. Team 1 & 2 have spawn point repair bays. The observation tower is very tall but with enough effort you get up on it.
MaxThrottle - All Attr & Destr plus CTF
Repair Bay near but not on Team 2 spawn. Plateau like terrain. This one has a mission to download. We have not tried it yet.
NukSylo13 - All Attr & Destr (Straight up fighting)
Open space in middle but a short distance between Team 1 and 2. Each have a repair bay tucked behind a small hill but you do not spawn that close. Feels like your in a crater. Barriers in the open middle for cover.
RedArena - All Attr & Destr plus CTF, KOTH, TKOTH
Open spaces but a short distance between Team 1 and 2. Each have a repair bay tucked behind a small hill but you do not spawn that close.
SolarDesert - All Attr & Destr plus CTF, KOTH, TKOTH
Owwie owiie HOT HOT! About twice as hot as any map we've seen. Small high jutting peaks.
TestingGrounds - plus CTF
BIG! Pretty buildings. Consider a chaser in CTF. With this 4x4 map you have time to whittle them down as they run for their lives.
WarFields - All Attr & Destr plus CTF, KOTH, TKOTH, STB
Big rolling hills and the multiplayer variety is nice.
WarFortune - All Attr & Destr plus CTF, KOTH, STB
Mixed terrain

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9/7 NEW Maps Review - 4 new maps from Microsoft adapted from the campaign game play
Multiplayer Maps from Microsoft

Highlands -
All Attr & Destr plus CTF, KOTH, TKOTH, STB
Team 1 & 2 enjoy hill top spawn area with lakes at base of peaks for bakey mech baths. Team 3 & 4 are jipped of quality including Team 3's floating building (at certain angles) Distance between Team 1 & 2 is approx 2600 with a nice big hill in between with a hill beacon marking KOTH goal.

Polar Tundra - All Attr and Destr plus CTF, STB
Team 1 spawn looks like a base with multiple buildings. Team 2 has a lower budget. The spawn is a HQ only but positioned atop a nice hill which is very CTF friendly . . for Team 2. Team 3 has large cranes which allow for cover and not straight runs until all 'sploded. Team 4 is the unluckiest spawn of all. Just a HQ building and and no other distractions. Easier to hit oncoming flag runners but hard to camp and wait for your enemies. Distance between Team 1 & 2 is a whopping 3200+. That's right, lots of hoofing but at least it's a cool walk.

Snowbound - All Attr and Destr plus CTF, STB
Depending on where you live you may understand the need to where sunglasses after a fresh blanket of snow falls. That is the case with Snowbound. The orange/yellow haze is replaced by a bright white haze. There may be a lot of white haze in the sky but the ground is not completely covered in snow. There is a large mountain between Team 1 and 2 but only a distance of approx 2000. This is 2nd smallest of the 4 maps.

Wetlands - All Attr and Destr plus CTF, KOTH, STB
Some water, some hill, some water, some hill and fairly clear skies. All Team Drop points have cool missile platforms that unfortunately don't fire at your enemy but they look cool. Lots of cool clear water and a bumpy green land mass texture. Low profile Mechs will love the cover, especially in CTF. Short range mechs may have an easier chance at sneaking up on the enemy in the bumpy terrain but long range are not made helpless. Team 1 & 2 are a distance of approx. 1800. This is the smallest of these 4 new releases. Makes for a fast paced game of CTF.

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Mechwarrior 4 EVEN Teams Play
Make sure you have the Point Update loaded for your Vengeance (v3.0) or Black Knight (v1.0) and all the official Mech4
Multiplayer Maps downloaded (Download Gagetown and Coliseum at this link). Email jazonz@happygamers.com for more details and server name. We will have volunteers ready to switch teams to keep it balanced and if there are enough early reservations the server will be private.
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NEXT GAME DATE AND TIME: to be announced


Map Screen Caps











Map Screen Caps


Polar Tundra

